Relax & Reconnect
90 minutes | $190
​Swedish massage
Facial massage
Head massage
A gift of healing with 90 mins of pure relaxation to help clear your mind and reconnect with your self.
Starting with a full body Swedish massage designed to stimulate and create positive energy flow through out the body while simultaneously promoting emotional health.
A facial massage that helps to promote health skin while stimulating lymphatic drainage which helps release toxins, boosts circulation while relaxing your facial muscles, leaving a rejuvenating effect
And bringing a glow to your skin.
A good head massage is beneficial to help enhance our mental health and overall well-being helps relax and reduce stress.
Core Realignment
90 minutes | $190
​Therapeutic massage
Intuitive Bodywork
Experience a core realignment.
Intuitive bodywork is a holistic hands on therapy using the body's natural healing process to create change.
A blend of three to help improve flexibility, relieve pain, increase circulation, enhance immune system, boost energy, help reduce depression and anxiety.